Rae Mizrachi

Interview Highlights
Q: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected you as a performing artist?
I have to get up at 9am for clown classes. It’s so weird being a clown on your computer screen. There is a weird disconnect between shooting a self tape and going into a different format completely from class and rehearsal. You are taking this huge leap of faith everyone. The energy isn't in the room with you and having faith that it will all come together.

I am a senior and I was really looking forward to the acting showcase. Everything is so up in the air and people are still deciding if it would be better to postpone to September or do a digital showcase - that has been nerve wracking. We are graduating soon and it's our first leap into the professional acting world and we were looking forward to gaining that edge and now we don't know when that will happen. We were also looking forward to graduation and our department has a BBQ in Prospect Park and we looked forward to that with alumni coming back. That is in late May so fingers crossed that it will be postponed to July.
Read full interview here