Dolapo Sangokoya

Interview Highlights
Q: What have been some challenges in your pre professional and professional career?
Being a black director in the creative sphere is so intimidating. It is filled with white men with beards, there are just not a lot of us. This world is not made for you, it is made to look like the opposite of you. I find myself in intimidating moments, not because of lack of ability but because I am subjected to failure. I am not the industry standard of what a director or producer should be. Even for an on camera host, I’m not the standard. Batting this all the time, you get imposter syndrome. You’re often afraid to speak up in spaces where not only do you not look like everyone, but you are also one of the youngest people. You doubt yourself, you start to think you are inferior and not meant to be there. That’s one of the biggest hurdles I go over. I have to learn how to trust my ability even when society says I am not supposed to be there. It's not that I'm not supposed to be there, it's that these spaces are not made for me and are not inclusive to those who look like me.
Read full interview here

"As a first generation Nigerian American, I bring a unique perspective and flavor to everything I do, including digital storytelling. I’ve produced and directed major campaign videos for clients such as Netflix, and have interviewed stars like Allison Williams, Kevin Hart, Rami Malek, and Jackie Chan. I’ve also hosted multi-part video series for brands such as Vans, Delta, and Marriott to name a few. With a big smile and an even bigger personality, my work has taken me across the world, including Nigeria where I partnered with Belvedere and (RED) to raise awareness around the fight against HIV/AIDS. When I’m not trotting around the world I am filming the Lo Down with D-Lo, my highly anticipated pop culture talk show recently launched this fall now streaming on the emerging platform Firework..." -Dolapo