Deepa Liegel

Interview Highlights
Q: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected you as a performing artist? (community, financially, initial reactions, company shift, online class, emotions, initial cancellation reaction) 
It has taken the wind out of everyone’s sails. Two of my shows got cancelled near the end of March. All the auditions I had lined up are done. It’s impossible to get a job in the industry. No one is working, so it’s not a great time to reach out. No one knows when this thing will end. It puts everything on pause. The biggest thing for me is the loss of my ability as a freelancer to get work. I can’t audition or reach out to anyone because no one is hiring. When I left Mark Morris in January, I filed for unemployment. I’ve been receiving unemployment and I'm so thankful. My roommate is an artist and she has been struggling with trying to get unemployment. 

Q: What other interests have you delved deeper into during this time? 
I’ve been doing more drawing and graphic art. It’s something I haven’t done since I was a kid. I love re-discovering that and trying something new without having to produce anything. I was trying to read 26 books before I turned 26 and I’ve been able to do that. I’m planning on getting my certification for Pilates because many places are doing that remotely. I’ve also been able to have breakfast at home every morning which is nice. Not having to have breakfast in an audition line or running to the train is great.
Read full interview here

Deepa Liegel was born in Calcutta, India and raised in Seattle, Washington. She grew up dancing with the Leela Kathak Dancers, Cornish Preparatory Dance, and Seattle Theatre Group. She graduated from Southern Methodist University with honors with a BFA in Dance Performance and a minor in arts management. After graduation, Deepa apprenticed with the Limon Dance Company and Mark Morris Dance Group. Currently, she is a freelance dancer and model in New York City.